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We must be objective. Why have you spent your precious time and money by implementing a Web site? Obviously, in order to benefit from the kind of advertising then has the potential to provide you with. The main reason that you have a Web site so that others can see and know about you or your company. If you are not considered then the main point to set up a Web site is completely lost.

Announced on a search engine is one of the most basic means welcoming visitors to your site. But yourself advertising is not enough, that you must also make sure to have the right amount of visibility that will get you noticed; a high ranking is, therefore, an absolute must. Search engine optimization is the missing link between a good and a great company, you win customers, maintains your well-visited site and makes your investment on the site a success.

While nobody dares deny the kind of benefits you are likely to harvest to be ranked high on a search engine, a certain decorum must be maintained here. A number of unethical practices have recently become widespread among those desperate to boost their ranking. At first glance it may seem completely harmless to you, it is important that recognize you them for what they really are. The first step towards the practice which is to identify what you could hurt. Here is a list to help you in your discovery:

Inappropriate use of keywords

Sooner or later you are bound to find out that between you and the search engine, you are the one with the brain cells. But don’t go overboard with your discovery. Yes, you can fool the search engine with long strings of text into which you discreetly bury a gallon of keywords which have no relevance whatsoever to your site, but in the end, you won’t be fooling the customers who will be finally using the links. Let’s face it, if the user is searching for “fish” or “fishing” he/she is most likely to not click on a site with a text like “boating fishing exotic animals site seeing great locations cruising Kuala Lumpur”. The irony is that if someone is really searching for a subject related to your site’s material even then he/she is probably going to skip clicking on your link because the description betrays no clue as to what really the site is about.

Inappropriate use of Meta tags

First things first, if you are wondering what META tags are then they are the HTML code that your website designer has used to create your web page. They are also used to inform search engines as to what the keywords on the site are. So as is obvious by now certain ways of tampering with your META tags, certain ‘tricks’, let’s call them, might help you fool the search engine in ways very similar to that described above. However, your brainwave won’t get you too far unfortunately because stupid though it is, even a search engine knows not to go by appearance alone when it comes to websites, so instead of depending on the META tags alone it usually also checks up the content!

False content

As a user, you have probably come across a dozen sites which seem to have long strings of text which have nothing to do with the site as a whole and probably make no sense individually either. These are what are called ‘False content’; they are put up on a site only to use a few keywords which might get detected by a search engine. Needless to say, such content is a complete obstacle in a good read and even if the overall look and feel of your site are A1 every visitor will get put off by these.

While no one is taking away the fact that a good ranking is important it is probably also of some importance to gain it the right way. And tricking the visitor or disrupting their read is certainly not the way I would call right. Stick to making your website useful and make sure it has the right kind of ‘real’ content, once that is done no one will be able to stop you from getting a high ranking with the search engines.

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